exports an Astro component that you can use in any MDX files of your Starlight documentation site.
---title: My Docs---
import { PackageManagers } from 'starlight-package-managers'
<PackageManagers pkg="astro" />
The code above generates the following commands:
npm i astro
pnpm add astro
yarn add astro
Command Types
The component provided by starlight-package-managers
supports various types of commands that can be specified using the type
prop and defaults to the add
type if none is provided.
The pkg
prop is used to specify the name(s) of the package(s) to install. You can specify one or more package names by separating them with a space.
import { PackageManagers } from 'starlight-package-managers'
<PackageManagers pkg="astro @astrojs/starlight" />
The code above generates the following commands:
npm i astro @astrojs/starlight
pnpm add astro @astrojs/starlight
yarn add astro @astrojs/starlight
Development dependencies
You can use the dev
prop to specify that the package(s) should be installed as a development dependency.
import { PackageManagers } from 'starlight-package-managers'
<PackageManagers pkg="astro" dev />
The code above generates the following commands:
npm i -D astro
pnpm add -D astro
yarn add -D astro
To setup new or existing project, you can use the create
import { PackageManagers } from 'starlight-package-managers'
<PackageManagers type="create" pkg="astro@latest" />
The code above generates the following commands:
npm create astro@latest
pnpm create astro@latest
yarn create astro
To fetch and execute a package binary, without installing it as a dependency, you can use the dlx
type and specify extra arguments using the args
<PackageManagers type="dlx" pkg="serve" args="public" />
The code above generates the following commands:
npx serve public
pnpx serve public
yarn dlx serve public
To execute a package binary, you can use the exec
type and specify extra arguments using the args
import { PackageManagers } from 'starlight-package-managers'
<PackageManagers type="exec" pkg="astro" args="add solid" />
The code above generates the following commands:
npx astro add solid
pnpm astro add solid
yarn astro add solid
To install all dependencies, you can use the install
type, with no other props specified.
import { PackageManagers } from 'starlight-package-managers'
<PackageManagers type="install" />
The code above generates the following commands:
npm install
pnpm install
yarn install
To run a script defined in the package’s manifest file, you can use the run
type and specify the name of the name of the script using the args
import { PackageManagers } from 'starlight-package-managers'
<PackageManagers type="run" args="dev" />
The code above generates the following commands:
npm run dev
pnpm run dev
yarn run dev
The pkg
prop is used to specify the name of the package to remove.
import { PackageManagers } from 'starlight-package-managers'
<PackageManagers type="remove" pkg="@astrojs/starlight" />
The code above generates the following commands:
npm uninstall @astrojs/starlight
pnpm remove @astrojs/starlight
yarn remove @astrojs/starlight
Extra arguments
You can provide extra arguments to any command using the args
import { PackageManagers } from 'starlight-package-managers'
<PackageManagers type="create" pkg="astro@latest" args="--template starlight" />
The code above generates the following commands:
npm create astro@latest -- --template starlight
pnpm create astro@latest --template starlight
yarn create astro --template starlight
You can include a comment before a command using the comment
import { PackageManagers } from 'starlight-package-managers'
<PackageManagers type="create" pkg="astro" comment="create a new project" />
The code above generates the following commands:
# create a new projectnpm create astro
# create a new projectpnpm create astro
# create a new projectyarn create astro
You can also reference the name of the selected package manager in a comment using the {PKG}
import { PackageManagers } from 'starlight-package-managers'
<PackageManagers type="create" pkg="astro" comment="create a new project with {PKG}"/>
The code above generates the following commands:
# create a new project with npmnpm create astro
# create a new project with pnpmpnpm create astro
# create a new project with yarnyarn create astro
You can include a prefix before a command, for example to define an environment variable, using the prefix
import { PackageManagers } from 'starlight-package-managers'
<PackageManagers type="run" args="dev" prefix="DEBUG=true" />
The code above generates the following commands:
DEBUG=true npm run dev
DEBUG=true pnpm run dev
DEBUG=true yarn run dev
By default, commands are rendered with a terminal frame around them and an icon indicating the package manager. You can disable this behavior and optionally provide a title for the frame.
To disable the terminal frame surrounding commands when using Expressive Code, you can use the frame
prop and set it to none
import { PackageManagers } from 'starlight-package-managers'
<PackageManagers pkg="astro" frame="none" />
The code above generates the following commands:
npm i astro
pnpm add astro
yarn add astro
By default, starlight-package-managers
displays a package manager icon next to its name.
You can disable this behavior using the icons
prop and set it to false
import { PackageManagers } from 'starlight-package-managers'
<PackageManagers pkg="astro" icons={false} />
The code above generates the following commands:
npm i astro
pnpm add astro
yarn add astro
When using Expressive Code and the default terminal frame, you can provide a title using the title
import { PackageManagers } from 'starlight-package-managers'
<PackageManagers pkg="astro" title="Install dependencies" />
The code above generates the following commands:
npm i astro
pnpm add astro
yarn add astro